I know exactly how you feel. By the time I was graduating from Hi Skool, I had moved, on average, every two years. Hunter, AFB, GA, where I was born, Lake City AFB, TN, Sembach AFB, Germany, Adair AFS, near Corvallis OR, but lived in Albany, back to Germany, then San Antonio and Lackland AFB, then my father retired. Being an Army or AFBrat is not a stable life. It's, generally, not as bad for Navy or Marine kids as there are far fewer places to be stationed. A Navy dad can go PCS and not leave San Diego, or Norfolk. There are exceptions, however.
I'm sitting in the mountains of western NC now. I like it, but it does not feel like home. This is probably the area where Christ will find me for the Rapture, or they are shoveling dirt in my face, before the Rapture.
I know exactly how you feel. By the time I was graduating from Hi Skool, I had moved, on average, every two years. Hunter, AFB, GA, where I was born, Lake City AFB, TN, Sembach AFB, Germany, Adair AFS, near Corvallis OR, but lived in Albany, back to Germany, then San Antonio and Lackland AFB, then my father retired. Being an Army or AFBrat is not a stable life. It's, generally, not as bad for Navy or Marine kids as there are far fewer places to be stationed. A Navy dad can go PCS and not leave San Diego, or Norfolk. There are exceptions, however.
I'm sitting in the mountains of western NC now. I like it, but it does not feel like home. This is probably the area where Christ will find me for the Rapture, or they are shoveling dirt in my face, before the Rapture.